What do librarians do? Our job description entails more than just putting away books. We facilitate independent and group research, take charge of requisitions to develop up to date collections for our patrons, host diverse programming and learning opportunities, participate in professional development, which in turn, allows us the resources and tools to implement innovative practices for underserved communities, do our own marketing, build and maintain databases, offer lessons that align to our state’s curriculum and standards, manage and maintain inventories, offer and participate in community service and volunteer opportunities, and MORE. The amount of work we do on an ever decreasing budget might suggest we are thrifty and responsible with our resources, but that is not to be confused with the idea that our communities and libraries should continue to be underfunded. We are our strongest advocates and our biggest cheerleaders. We advocate for ALL educators and we hope that educators from different disciplines can join us in the discussion that professionals with additional schooling and credentials should be included in bills that affect our centers and livelihood. We ask our representatives to join librarians in the fight for better pay and resources for our community members. We should be, as Texans and Americans, united.
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May 2024